
Mechanical thrombectomy is a procedure for removing a thrombus (clot) that is obstructing a cerebral artery and causing the ischemic stroke (brain attack). There are currently two systems used for thrombus removal: the thromboaspiration system and the use of stent retrievers (see video and details below). The procedure is performed under anesthesia in an angiography...
Lumbar spinal fusion is a technique that permanently fuses or joins together one or more bony vertebrae of the spine, preventing abnormal movement and, therefore, stabilizing the spine, restoring the normal disc space between the bones. This fusion can be performed without damage to the overall movement of the spine. This video demonstrates how we...
Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic neuropathic disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve, which conducts sensations from the face to the brain. This neuralgia is characterized by a severe and intense pain in the areas of the face and the scalp, where the nerve provides sensitivity. The wearing away or damage to the protective coating around...
Meningiomas are benign tumors that grow from the meninges (the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord), or, more specifically, from the arachnoid cells (Figures 1 and 2). They are more frequently found in women between the ages of 40 and 60 year. They are mainly located under the cerebral convexities, near the...
Arteriovenous malformations are abnormal connections between cerebral arteries and veins, with no capillary bed between them (small microvessels that nourish the brain), forming a tangle of blood vessels called nidus. Due to the lack of the capillaries, blood flows quickly and directly from the arteries to the veins, bypassing the surrounding tissues. This condition causes...
In regular conditions, blood is pumped from the heart and carried to the brain by the arteries blood, supplying oxygen and nutrients. Once this function is completed, blood is collected by small cerebral veins, that drain it into larger veins called dural sinuses (Figure 1). The blockage of the blood flow by a clot in...
WHAT IS A BRAIN TUMOR? A primary brain tumor is a mass or an abnormal cell growth, arising from in brain cells or the structures around it. Secondary brain tumor or metastasis refers to cancer that begins elsewhere in the body spreads, reaching the brain, where it forms a tumor. There are different types of...
TBI results from a violent blow to the head, and possible forms of TBI are:   INTRACRANIAL HEMATOMA: is a collection of blood within the skull. There are different categories of hematoma: EPIDURAL HEMATOMA - occurs when a blood vessel, usually an artery, ruptures between the outer surface of the dura mater (outer membrane of...
The procedure is performed under anesthesia in an angiography equipment (which generates X-rays). One or two guide-catheters are inserted through the femoral artery in the groin and, then, guided through the aorta artery to the head, where they will provide access for the selective catheterization of the cerebral arteries. A microcatheter (guided by a micro...
Pain is the most frequent symptom of spinal disorders and, when located in a specific area, may be suggestive of osteoarthritis, fracture or spondylolysis. Pain provoked by HERNIATED DISC DISORDER is located in a segment of the vertebrae and radiates to the lower limb (lumbar hernia) or superior (cervical hernia) and tingling, numbness and weakness...
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